Employees in Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) health insurance plans usually enjoy co-pays and lower deductibles but pay higher premiums. To help offset these, they can reduce healthcare expenses with a tax-advantaged Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Here are answers to the FSA questions we get most frequently. FSA FAQs What is


What happens to unspent FSA funds?

If you’re new to or unfamiliar with Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), there are some terms you need to know to help maximize the benefit of these tax-advantaged accounts. For example, when an FSA plan is set up, the employer has three options as to how to treat funds that haven’t

heart health

Heart Health and Your Benefits

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women as well as men in the United States. February is American Heart Month, encouraging us all to learn more about our heart health. Let’s discuss a little about heart health and how your employer-sponsored benefit accounts may help. Women’s Heart Health