Captain Contributor Explains Preparing for Enrollment

” When benefits meetings roll around each year, many people don’t fully understand their benefits package, and blindly make important healthcare choices. This year, challenge yourself to do a little preparation so you can make the best possible decisions for you and your family. Watch this video to learn more

Captain Contributor Explains Benefits Debit Cards

” No matter where you go – doctors’ offices, grocery stores, retail shops, and more – you can use a debit or credit card to pay for goods and services. But did you know you can also use a debit card that’s linked to your healthcare benefits accounts? Watch this

Seven Facts about FSAs and HSAs

7 Facts About FSAs and HSAs That Employees Should Know During Open Enrollment

Open enrollment season for benefits is a time for making important decisions regarding healthcare expenses for you and your family. In addition to health insurance options, many companies sponsor tax-advantaged consumer directed healthcare accounts, like Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). FSAs and HSAs are popular because