Mental Health Care and Your Benefits Accounts

With one in five U.S. adults experiencing some form of mental illness in any given year, the need for mental health care impacts many families. Yet, according to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), 55 percent of adults and 49 percent of children ages 6-17 with a mental illness don’t

HSA Growth: Now’s the Time to Invest

Opening a Health Savings Account (HSA) can be a great investment in your personal healthcare and financial future. Owned by the participant-employee (rather than the employer), the HSA is a versatile spending and savings account that can be used for many healthcare expenses. Since they can keep the account for

Summer Camp and Your Dependent Care FSA

School is out for the summer! To combat boredom and keep their kids engaged, a lot of parents turn to summer camps. With options that include fishing, hiking, playing outside, and more, summer camps are a great way to keep your child from the doldrums. Parents and guardians who signed

HSA Contributions – Approaching the Tax Deadline

Health Savings Account (HSA) owners are usually keenly aware of the account’s triple tax advantage: pre-tax contributions, tax-free withdrawals for eligible expenses, and tax-free growth. What you may not know is that you can take advantage of tax-free contributions for the previous year all the way up to the tax

COVID-19 PPE Is Now An Eligible Healthcare Expense

The fight against COVID-19 has expanded to the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) items. On Friday, March 26, the IRS released Announcement 2021-7, which qualifies PPE purchased for the primary purpose of preventing the spread of COVID-19 as medical expenses under section 213(d) of the Internal Revenue Code. The regulation


ARPA and COBRA Subsidy FAQs

On Thursday, March 11, President Biden signed the  American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. In addition to other features, ARPA provides full COBRA subsidies under specific circumstances and creates significant additional COBRA enrollment eligibility rules. The following is a list of common ARPA COBRA subsidy frequently asked questions (FAQs). This blog is not

Creative employee benefits

Exploring Creative Benefits Plan Offerings

Employers, you know it’s true. Your benefits plan can make your company look more attractive, help you recruit and keep top talent, and improve the morale of your workforce. While there are standard benefit plan options such as group health coverage, life insurance, and retirement plans, there are other options

4 Things to Know About Your FSA Before the Year Ends

When you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), you set aside money before taxes to cover qualified out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for yourself and your family. As the year comes to an end, there are a few things you should be aware of so you can maximize your account’s benefits. Here

Use-it-or-Lose-it: COVID-19 and Your FSA Balance

During the pandemic, a lot of people spent more time at home and didn’t keep up with their normal spending habits. Because of that, your remaining FSA balance may be larger than that of a normal year. In fact, estimates that the average FSA account holder has 30-35 percent

Questions Employers Need to Ask Before Building A Benefits Plan

A company’s benefits package is a vital tool for attracting and keeping talented employees. It can also improve workforce health and engagement. But with workers who span four generations in today’s labor force, building a benefits plan can be a challenge for employers. Baby Boomers are nearing retirement while Gen Z is